Sometimes the best way to move forward toward your goal is, for awhile, to go sideways, backwards, or even nowhere at all. Linear thinking has fostered an obsession with laser-like “orientarianism” where, if you’re not going in a “beeline,” you’re without a purpose. However, I beg to differ. We’ve taken the soul, and hence the life out of water by substituting straight concrete passageways for rivers, and static reservoirs for lakes, creating an energy crisis that was preventable, and is thankfully, reversible. That is, if we are willing to ameliorate our incessant “rush” to everywhere that gets us nowhere in terms of satisfactory experiences and memories.
In addition to the therapeutic benefits of the deep breath, stopping to “smell the roses” delivers unfathomable opportunities to collect ourselves, and gain inner cohesiveness and coherence. All this without reaching for a pill, or picking up the phone to “ask our doctor” if we’re healthy enough for next. The willingness to meander through the moment with mind open to positive, joyful outcomes, and heart connected to one’s own Inner Intelligence and Truth, can lead to discoveries that change lives in wonderful ways, starting with our own.
On one fine Saturday, the urge to meander took over while visiting the Public Market in downtown Phoenix, and I went with the flow. I packed my video camera, knowing I’d see Roger Daggett, a local grower whose experiences with Clayton Nolte’s Photonic water structuring device have been no less than phenomenal, perhaps more so because has used water structuring devices for almost ten years. We’ll get to Roger at a later time (in fact, you may recognize him in this video). Here, I wanted to introduce you to Teneia Sanders (www.teneiasanders.com), the musical talent that added many memorable notes to the ambiance that was the Phoenix Public Market that day.